传说中最差的一季成人电影免费完整版还是很好看的Frank, Dee, Wallace这剧的悲情人物真多但是越来越发现这剧对女性角色对处理好不好Beadie明明提供了很多重要情报和对码头的知识和人脉而Bunk和McNulty都很condescending地说哦她还不行哦她有点点进步大概唯一受此剧及内部角色尊敬、有血有肉不片面的女性只有Kima, who’s a token lesbian embodying a stereotypical alpha male (police brutality啊热爱工作不顾家啊)The show has not aged well.
I appreciate films without dialogue the image itself has enough expression. The story and the figure modeing is French style. when i saw the stature of liberity became a fat woman holding big humberger, i'm well aware of what it is irony to